Community Hospital Anderson - Cancer Center Healing Garden


Mader Design was hired by the project architects, Artekna, to provide site design and construction documents for the new Community Cancer Care Facility of the Community Hospital Anderson. The project included design of detailed plantings highlighting primary entries to the site as well as entries to the building, and spaces where patients and the public will be, as well as plantings throughout the site.

Work was completed in 2014 and Mader Design was subsequently hired by the Hospital’s Foundation directly to provide a master plan for the Healing Garden on the west side of the new facility. This work was followed by design and construction documents for Phase 1. The primary focus of the Healing Garden will be as a viewing garden from the adjacent infusion rooms and an opportunity for patients, families, and staff to be able to get outside to use, experience, and interact with the garden. Care was taken to screen views from the garden into the building, while maximizing the views from patient rooms into the garden space.